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Why we do it?

Since the inception of BruWILD, we have come across multiple challenges with wildlife rescue work in Brunei. The apparent lack of expertise, absence of a proper wildlife rehabilitation center and numerous nature groups that have been conducting rescue work haphazardly require urgent rectification.


We've got to do something about this.


The wild animals we have in Brunei are precious and we are fortunate we still have them in our country. We need to therefore protect them from further decline and where able, rehabilitate injured wildlife so that they could return to the wild.


But rescue and rehabilitation is not easy, it requires proper training. It needs the right know-how, handling methods, medical supplies, etc. Without this, attempts to rescue wild animals could cause unnecessary injuries and may also spread zoonotic diseases.


Working in line with our vision, BruWILD has spent countless hours organising, undergone meetings after meetings, odd-hours conference calls, months and months of research of medical supplies to make the first initial step of wildlife rescue and rehabilitation work in Brunei possible.

We have engaged the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) to assist in this endeavour and we have been working very hard with them to make this training course applicable for Brunei.


But the realisation of this would not have been made possible without the good generous support from the U.S. Embassy Brunei Darussalam‪#‎USEmbassybsb‬. Thank you very much!

And to the Wildlife Division (MPRT), Universiti Brunei Darussalam and International School Brunei â€ª#‎ISB‬ â€ª#‎Brunei‬ who have supported our initiatives from the very beginning. We thank you.

How to be involved.

As this training is very specialised, it is currently not feasible to open this up for public participation. A handful of individuals and organisations have been selected based on the criteria below to undergo the training and serve the purpose of wildlife conservation in Brunei.   



- participants must be local to ensure we promote knowledge on wildlife rescue and rehabilitation for local citizens.

- participants who have biology or veterinary background are preferred.

- participants must be dedicated even after the training to ensure that the training is actually put to good use. Participants must therefore assist BruWILD and the Wildlife Division in the eventual wildlife rescue operation

- invited organisations have proven to have worked in wildlife conservation in Brunei Darussalam

- invited organisations are not a business entity; i.e. they must be possess a legal RoS (Registration of Society) certificate


However, we recognise that successful wildlife rescue and rehabilitation work require public participation and support. Although not everyone is suited to do the specialised work, we agree that public members require to also know some basic know-hows and ways to help! 


Here's how.



1. Attending talks & presentations provided by us and other notable educational institutions such as the Institute for Biodiversity, Environment and Research (IBER) can definitely help you. 

Keep a look out for updates in our Facebook page for regular notices on talks and presentations about our beautiful wildlife in Brunei. 

Upcoming talk! = Raptor Rehabilitation and ways to help by Curt LeVan, founder of Fort Valley Wildlife Center on 27th July 2016, University Brunei Darussalam. (please keep in touch for more updates!)


Hands on. 

1. If you come across any injured wildlife, please contact us via our hotline at +673 7127379. 

2. If you come across any protected wildlife on sale, please report to us via our hotline or email. You can whatsapp us too. We will then forward this to the Authorities where they will carry out the necessary investigations. 

3. If you are keen in joining us in our Report & Rescue Operations, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to get you involve and that way, you can learn by assisting us!  


© 2019 Designed by Lin Ji for BruWILD. 



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