BruWILD's Report & Rescue Project was first initiated in 2013. Since the inception of this project, we have helped rescue various types of animals including slow loris, pangolins, numerous types of birds and reptiles.
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BruWILD's Report & Rescue Project (2014 - 2019)
Help! I found an injured wildlife - what do I do?
How It Started
1. Phase I: Activate a RESCUE HOTLINE - DONE!
Back in 2013, there was no hotline for public members to contact us or the authority when they came across injured wildlife or if they find any illegal sales of protected animals. In order for us to connect and work with the public members, BruWILD successfully launched our hotline (+673 712 7379) in 2014 and has been active ever since.
2. Phase II: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Training - DONE!
Having a hotline was not enough; although BruWILD consists of biologists with diverse background of expertise, we did not have the appropriate skills to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife. Ecological work experience and theoretical knowledge were simply not enough.
To solve this problem, we have undergone wildlife rescue and rehabilitation training conducted by the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC). Today, trained BruWILD members carry out wildlife rescue & rehabilitation work where required.
Read more here.